4 Tips to Transition Effortlessly into Fall

Happy Equinox!  This Tuesday marked the first day of fall, and thanks to the weather goddesses, it actually almost felt like fall here in Florida this week.  Believe me when I say I took advantage! 

With the day and night equally split, the equinox signals a time for finding balance in every aspect of our lives.  Historically, it was also a signal for us to begin preparing for the shorter days and harsher weather that’s on its way.   While the changing of the seasons isn’t as pronounced here, I know our bodies and minds still feel the change- the days are getting shorter, the humidity is dropping, and we are beginning to anticipate the end of the year.  And although in Florida we don’t have harsher weather to be anticipating (quite the opposite, in fact), the busyness of the holiday season, combined with the natural sense of ending that can come with the final months of the year, means that this is an optimal time to fill up our tanks and make sure we’re starting off this season feeling as balanced as possible.  

This year also brings with it special challenges to most of us- we have all been impacted in some way by the pandemic.  And while fall brings some really great shifts, it’s also the start of flu season, and bringing COVID into the mix makes it more important than ever to make sure our immune systems are as balanced as possible right now.  While that will likely be the topic of a future post, all of the actions I share below also serve to support our immune systems in beautiful ways.

Here are some ways to transition smoothly into the new season.

  1. Get outside! Take a walk, hang at the park with your dog, or head to the beach.  Nature is generally balancing for any type of energy, but even more so for the vata qualities of fall.  Morning light is especially great for regulating our cortisol production- making it easier to wake up in the morning AND sleep well at night.  But even getting outside at lunch or after work has seriously magical properties for lifting our mental and physical health.  And it’s actually enjoyable to do!  

  2. Balance your schedule.  Are you making time for yourself, for connecting with loved ones, for quiet reflection? Or have you been feeling stuck in a rut? In what ways can you bring more balance to your daily/weekly routine?

    Note: This is NOT an opportunity to beat yourself up, but if your current routine isn’t working for you, look at where you might be able to make some shifts.

    Balance looks different for everyone: if you’ve been burning the candle at both ends this summer, you may need to build in some time for restorative practices, quiet time, or just plain fun.  If you’ve been feeling down, depressed, or lonely, you may need to schedule time for creative projects, find ways to reach out and connect with people who lift you up, or get in some gentle physical activity in the mornings to get your energy flowing.

  3. Edit your environment A lot gets said about spring cleaning, but with all the extra time we spend in our homes in the fall and winter, I’d say fall cleaning may be even more important.  What needs to shift in your home so you can go through the rest of the year feeling organized and supported by your environment?  You could rearrange the closet so you have easier access to fall/winter clothes, go through your kitchen cabinets with an eye toward holiday baking/entertaining, or make sure your space is set up for any shifts in your routine that you identified in the last step (such as setting up a small reading nook or meditation spot to support your down time).  You don’t need to give the whole house an overhaul (especially if one of your goals is to do less this season!), but even completing one small project sets a positive intention and honors the change of season.

  4. Double down on grounding practices. The energy of fall, while refreshing, can also leave us feeling scattered, less stable, even more prone to insomnia. That’s vata season for you! Since our culture already encourages vata energy (always going, frequent changes/lack of certainty, constant stimulation and distraction), it’s even more important to balance that energy out during the fall.  Balancing vata energy generally focuses on grounding and adding moisture/warmth, things like: 

    • A consistent routine

    • Adding foods like cooked root vegetables, healthy fats, and hot beverages into our diet

    • Reducing stimulants like caffeine and excess sugar

    • Emphasizing strength, stability, and restoration in your movement practices

    • Connecting with the breath and practicing slow belly breathing 

    • Taking time for stillness every day

    • Incorporating practices like abhyanga massage into your self-care routine

    • Bringing warmth and coziness into our physical environments, through woody scents, cozy fabrics, or lighting candles

I personally have been feeling renewed energy reserves and mental clarity after getting outside as much as possible this week, taking some down time to spend with loved ones, and arranging my home office in a way that will better support the work I have planned for the rest of the year.  There is a lot we can’t control, but when we look closely there is also so much we can. I hope that this new season supports any positive changes you’ve been thinking about making to your routines, and leaves you feeling rested, restored, and ready to weather whatever winter brings.  


Feeling hopeless? Focus on your core.


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