Digestive Breathing

Digestive breathing is a technique that balances both the digestive system and the mind.  That sleepy, sluggish feeling we get when eating heavy food?  It happens in large part because our blood supply is diverted to the abdomen.  Digestive breathing, practiced for 15-20 minutes, supports the working capacity of the glands connected to the digestion process and adds digestive power.  It also has a calming effect on the nerves- stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system.  This in turn allows the digestive system to operate optimally.

Practice this anytime you feel your digestion isn’t ‘up -to-snuff’: if you feel overfull, heaviness or knots in the stomach, bloating, or any other symptoms of a sluggish or inefficient digestive process.

How to Practice

Begin by lying comfortably on your back.  Gradually relax the whole body.  Breathing diaphragmatically and through the nose, take about 11 breaths.  

Gently turn onto your left side and fold your knees.  Place your left hand or a pillow under your head and rest the hand on your R leg.  In this position, inhale and exhale 21 times.  Breathe slowly, diaphragmatically, and consciously, counting the breaths in your mind.

Return to lying on your back.  Take another 21 breaths in this position.

Gently turn onto your right side and repeat for another 21 breaths.

Finally, turn to back onto your left side and take 7 conscious breaths.  

Slowly sit up and notice how you feel.  


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