Intuitive Eating During the Holidays
Whether or not you are already practicing mindful or intuitive eating, it’s no secret to any of us that this time of year can bring up a lot of our food ‘stuff.’ If you’re still in the dieting cycle, ‘temptations’ abound- at work, at holiday parties, at your own house, heck, probably even at the hairdresser! When you’re running around trying' to get holiday shopping done, quick takeout meals in between errands are all you have time for. You have less time for exercise, so you think you need to eat fewer calories to make up for it. And since the whole time you’re worried about the notorious ten pounds you’ll gain this holiday season, you don’t even fully enjoy the foods you DO ‘allow’ yourself to have.
If you’ve already begun working on intuitive eating, you might not be triggered by some of the things I’ve listed above, while others are still works-in-progress for you. Even those of us who have dropped out of the dieting cycle and are working on our mindful & intuitive eating practices can begin to struggle again when we’re in high-stress situations or back around our family of origin, where a lot of our food issues began in the first place!
We could all use a little extra support from time to time. So I created a worksheet that walks you through the practice of intuitive eating into a step-by-step guide. Check it out if you’re feeling ready to start exploring a different approach to your relationship with food, or if you’ve been on an intuitive eating journey for a while and could just use a little refresher.