Bring Some Color to Your Meditation Practice

In the seven chakra system, each chakra is associated with a color which, when visualized together along the spine, create a rainbow effect. I love all forms of chakra-focused meditations, but I especially love this color-focused one. it is a beautiful practice for welcoming the spring and summer seasons, but also for any time you’d like to inject a bit more vibrancy into your day.

In it, I have intentionally left out the names and descriptions of the chakras and other symbolism, in the hopes that this practice becomes more experiential than intellectual.  Approaching the chakras in this way can make it more accessible and enjoyable for those who are not familiar with the philosophy behind the chakra system. And if you are already familiar, this meditation allows you to experience the patterns within yourself from a different perspective. As you move through the practice, I encourage you to simply become immersed in the visualization of color, allowing whatever thoughts, feelings, and sensations spontaneously arise throughout the practice to simply exist.

A Meditation on Color

Download the Guided Audio here

Find a comfortable seated or lying position, lengthen the spine, and settle the breath.


Bring your attention to the base of your spine, around the area of your tailbone.  Begin to visualize the color red emanating from this place. Visualize the feet, legs, and hips being enveloped in the color red.  


Now, shift your focus to the area of the spine lined up with your lower abdomen, below the navel.  Visualize the color orange, and imagine the entire space from your tailbone to just below your navel being bathed in the color orange.  


Bring your attention to the place on your spine in line with your upper abdomen, just below the sternum.  Imagine the color yellow expanding out from this spot.  


Now, shift your attention further upward to the level of the spine lined up with the center of the chest.  Visualize the color green emanating outward from this space and filling the chest.  


When you are ready, shift your attention to the area of the spine just behind the throat.  While focusing your attention here, imagine the color blue emanating from this point outward.


Shift your attention now to the center of your head, at the point behind the center of your eyebrows.  Visualize the color indigo radiating from this point.  


Bring your focus to the crown of the head and imagine the color violet radiating from there.  


Expand your attention, bringing your entire body and the immediate environment surrounding you into focus. See all 7 colors illuminating the entire length of the spine and corresponding areas of the body.  Perhaps allow your attention to remain here as you watch the colors expand out past the limits of your body.  Notice any shift in the color pattern as it expands out into your environment. Do they blend or swirl together?  Let yourself sit in this meditative visualization for as long as you’d like. When you are ready to end, slowly bring your focus back to your environment, beginning with sensations like body temperature, sounds, or smells, and finally, opening the eyes (if they were closed) to come fully back to the present moment.


When you come out of this meditation, take a moment to reflect on the experience.  What sensations do you notice in your body?  What thoughts, feelings, or sensations came up as you progressed through the meditation?  Which colors felt calming? Empowering? Grounding? Expansive? Joyful? 

Were there certain colors or areas of the body that felt more challenging to visualize or sit with?  Were there certain colors or areas that you connected to more easily?

Perhaps take a moment to note down answers to the above questions.

If this practice brought you a sense of joy, expansion, or deeper sense of connection to your internal energy, consider repeating it as frequently as you’d like, staying open to the possibility of a different experience each time.

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