Today's a Holi- day!

Today, the spring festival of Holi is being celebrated in India and by Hindus around the world. You’ve seen the photos. Kids, teens, and adults, locals and tourists, dancing in the street as they throw colored powder in the air. I can’t think of a more appropriate way to welcome spring than with this playful & vibrant display.

In addition to celebrating the beginning of spring, Holi is also a day for releasing old hurts and errors, repairing conflict, paying and forgiving debts, and setting an intention to begin anew in our relationships. Most religions incorporate a tradition and/or holiday with this theme. But I just love how Holi combines this act of repentance and letting go with a joyful celebration to welcome in the new.

There are two practices that come to mind for me as I contemplate this holiday. The first, a chakra meditation with a focus on color. The second, the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. Try one or both to connect with the energy of this holiday.

Wishing you a very happy Holi, and may your life be filled with the colors of joy and happiness!


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