Alyana Ramirez Alyana Ramirez

A Taste of Fall

Kick off baking season by making a batch of these delicious, and vata-balancing pumpkin muffins.

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Alyana Ramirez Alyana Ramirez

Compassion Fatigue and Keeping an Open Heart

If we have so many tools dedicated to opening the heart chakra, why are so many of us still feeling pain and tension in our chests and shoulders, tired, lonely, or ‘emotionally out of whack,’ as one dear friend recently described it?

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Alyana Ramirez Alyana Ramirez

Are You a Reverse Breather? Finally Master the Diaphragmatic Breath

Deep, slow breaths, taken with a freely moving diaphragm and relaxed chest and shoulders, calm the fight/flight response and activate the SNS’ other half: the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), also known as the ‘rest and digest’ response. It sends a signal to the brain that all is well, and it is okay for the body and mind to slow down, relax, and open up. The cells of our body feel safe to tend to their maintenance, rebuilding, and rejuvenation activities. We can move energy away from survival/reactivity mode of the lizard brain and toward our executive functions of higher-level response, collaboration, creativity, and imagination.

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Alyana Ramirez Alyana Ramirez

Even-Ratio Breathing

Awareness and control of the breath is foundational to most yoga practices for a reason: it’s effective! Even-ratio breathing is a great place to start your journey into pranayama and despite it's simplicity, offers powerful benefits.

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Alyana Ramirez Alyana Ramirez

Breathing Basics

General guidelines for pranayama practice to make sure you get the most out of your breathing exercises.

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Alyana Ramirez Alyana Ramirez

Yoga's Impact on Mental and Emotional Health

If you’re currently dealing with depression, anxiety, or an eating disorder; are finding challenges with emotional regulation or interpersonal relationships; or are working through grief and/or trauma, yoga therapy can be a huge support for your treatment program.

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